Join Dollxcite Credit Reward Program

Become a member to earn Credits and exclusive rewards every time you shop

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How It Works

Sign Up

Create an account and get 500 Credits reward.

EARN Credits

Earn Credits every time you shop.

REDEEM Credits

Redeem Credits for exclusive discounts.

Ways to Earn Credits

Sign Up

500 Credits when you join


1 credit per $1 spent, earn every time you order


500 Credits for writting a review

How To Use Credits

50 Points


$1 Discount

You can easily use your points to get a discount in Cart. Every 50 points give $1 discount.

Frequently Asked Questions


1. What is the Credits Rewards Program?

The Credits Rewards loyalty program is a Credits-based program through which our customers (like you!) earn Credits on dollxcite Your Credits unlock member benefits and can be redeemed for discounts. Just another way for us to say thank you to our customers and show how much we appreciate your loyalty.

2. Who is eligible to join the Credits Rewards Program?

Anyone over 13 in the EU or over 14 in the US (or another age required by local law) can join the program.

3. How do I join the Credits Rewards Program?

If you already have an account on, you are already enrolled. You can log in to your existing account. If you do not have an account with, register an Credits account now. You cannot earn Credits if you are not registered.

4. Does it cost anything to join?

Our rewards program is totally free and you can start earning Credits right away.

5. Do my rewards, benefits and Credits have any cash value?

Rewards, benefits and Credits earned through Credits Rewards have no cash value, and cannot be transferred to someone else.

6. I have two Flow accounts, can I merge them into one?

No. Credits accumulated on different accounts by different members may not be combined or aggregated to make purchases of products or for any other reason.


1. Where can I earn Credits?

Members earn Credits at Members must be logged in to their account at the time of purchase or during other rewardable actions.

2. When will I receive my Credits?

Credits will generally be added to your account within 24 hours. For purchases on, Credits will wait in your account until your order has shipped. Pending Credits cannot be redeemed.

3. What do I do if I believe Credits were not properly credited to my account?

If you have questions related to your membership account, please contact Customer Service at

4. Can my Credits expire?

Yes. Your accumulated Credits earned before our program officially launched (11/04/2022) will expire one year later. Credits earned after our Program launch date will expire one year after the date they are unlocked. Your expired Credits would be deducted from your account.

5. Can I still earn Credits for previous transactions made before the Credits rewards program launched?

Yes! Before our Credits Rewards Program was officially launched on 11/04/2022, Credits for orders previously made were added to your account as long as you were logged in to your account at the time of that purchase. The Credits will expire one year later. However, you cannot be credited for purchases that occurred before you became an Credits member.

6. How do I earn Credits?

You will receive Credits: 1. At the time of account registration. Registration can only be rewarded once. 2. Upon completion of your profile. Only the initial completion of your profile, portrait, and address can receive Credits. Repeated corrections are not eligible for Credits. 3. When your purchased qualifying products are sent out. 4. Register your product at “My Device” for a warranty. Credits will be issued every time you complete a registration. An incorrect SN code for registration will not be rewarded.

7. Can tax or shipping fees be rewarded?

No.Calculation of Credits excludes payment by the Member for shipping charges and all taxes, including without limitation, federal, state, and local taxes or use taxes.

8. Can a discount or gift card be credited for Credits?

Credits will not be earned on any discounts or other credits offered in connection with a product or service.

9. What happens to my Credits if I return a product or an order is cancelled?

Any product that is returned or any order that is canceled will reverse or decrease the Credits you received from that purchase. Credits would be deducted for partial refunds caused by price adjustments.

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